
As of late… I’ve been trying to talk myself out of migrating to a solid CMS such as wordpress. “There is honor in coding your own website” i would say… I always kind of feel the need to do my own stuff. Work on my own car, fix my own toilet, etc. This applied to my website wholly. For the most part… web design was a hobby.

Although that is still somewhat true- there really just isnt a point. A content management system like WordPress does it so much better than I ever could. It makes things so much easier.. And truth be genuinely told, my table and iframe really did need to go. Plus, wordpress is pretty much completely customizable. It is based on CSS, which i have little to no experience with. I’ll have to learn a bit about that since it is the ‘way to go’ nowadays vs layout tables/cells combined with html formatting.

The only thing that bothers me is that it is mysql based. I liked blosxom for its simplicity… lightweight, reading text files, etc. WordPress is a little heavier using a backend database. Now i just have to figure out how to migrate my blosxom content into this wordpress deal. Anybody who might have done that can feel free to point me in a good direction…

—- slightly edited for content—-
I also figured out how to import my blosxom entries… on to ‘tweaking’ wordpress

4 thoughts on “Migrated

  1. chouse

    there are blosxom to wordpress/moveable type scripts out there – just google around for them, they are pretty easy to use. I moved my 200+ articles to wordpress site in like 5 minutes.

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